
The research team behind this project consists of domestic scholars, experts, and doctors from fields such as child development, child education, family education, educational psychology, early intervention, and clinical medicine. The project is sponsored by the National Science and Technology Council and National Taiwan Normal University and implemented by the Center for Educational Research and Innovation and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies of NTNU together.
The purpose of this project is to explore the health, cognitive linguistics, social emotions, body movements, and family and educare environments. It is hoped that through this project a blueprint for child development nowadays in Taiwan can be created. It is also hoped that this project can provide parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs more specific suggestions and the government a reference to make policies in relation to the health, welfare, family, childcare, and early intervention for children in Taiwan.
The research subjects are children aged 3 months (born during the period from 2016/4/1 to 2017/06/30) and 36 months (born during the period from 2013/4/1 to 2014/3/31). The sampling method we adopt is a very strict method. The subjects are sampled from all the cities and counties in Taiwan. The aim is to complete long-term observations of the developmental changes of 8,000 children since they are 0 year old till they are 8 years old. The selected children, and their parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs are all invited to participate in this project.
Selected children aged 3/36 months old will receive an invitation from this project to the children and their parents to participate.
The probability for a 3-month-old child to be selected is about 2.8%, while that of a 36-month-old child is about 0.9%. A child must be very lucky to be selected. Thus, we hope the selected children and their parents not to miss this precious opportunity to participate in this project.
If you are the parent of a selected child and already received an invitation, you can actively contact the project office using the contact information included in the invitation. Or you can wait until an interviewer visits your home and directly tell the interviewer your willingness to participate in this project.
We are truly sorry. Considering the representativeness of the sample, you cannot participate in this project if your child is not selected.
This project helps parents to know more about the development of their children. And this project is a precious record for the children. Furthermore, the children selected by this project through sampling are important and representative for building the child development database in Taiwan.
In order to know the complete growing process of the children, we will collect data from their parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs through questionnaires and observations of the educate environments. The time required for interviewing a parent or a main caretaker is about 30-90 minutes, and 20-30 minutes for an educare staff. An educate environment observation takes about 2-3 hours. Moreover, if a child meets the conditions for individual evaluation, we will invite his/her parent to take him/her to the evaluation site for development evaluation. The time this evaluation takes is 20-180 minutes, depending on the age of the child.
Professional interviewers will be invited by this project to go to the children’s homes or other convenient places for their parents to interview their parents when the children are 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, and 96 months old. As children grow rather fast before they are 2 years old, therefore, the frequency of interviews during this period of time will be higher.
Our questions are very simple. There are no right answers. The children’s parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs will all be able to answer the questions.
All selected children are important and representative. We can't just replace any one of them. Otherwise the representativeness of the research would be compromised. We can do interviews any time when the children’s parents and educare staffs are convenient.
Through the questionnaire interviews, the children’s parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs can understand the children’s development from more comprehensive angles as well as review the children’s development process. We will offer the interviewee a gift after completing the questionnaire interview. After you complete the child individual evaluation, we will also offer a coupon, and you will receive a report of the development of your child for you to understand your child’s development. Moreover, all participants of this research can join a lucky draw.
This research is an academic research conducted by the National Taiwan Normal University. All the data collected will be used for academic purposes only. For this project, we will only conduct analyses in relation to the children’s development and childcare environments. All personal information, answers to the questions of the questionnaire, and development evaluation results are strictly confidential. No participant can be identified. All the electronic data will be stored in the database of the Data Team of the NTNU Center for Educational Research and Innovation (ISMS ISO 27001 qualified with the ISMS certificate). After the research, all personal information which can be used to identify the children or other interviewees will be destroyed.
All parents, main caretakers, and educare staffs can participate in this project of their own free will, with the right to quit any time during this project if there is any doubt regarding this project.
This project will never promote or sell any product or course. And it is free of charge. Please do contact us if you encounter any of the above-mentioned situations. And you can call 165, the anti-fraud line provided by the National Police Agency any time or ask your chief village for confirmation.