
'Invitation to Participate' letters have been sent to new KIT participants

On May 10, 2021, the KIT project sent both invitation letters and SMS messages to our new participants. The new study children are first graders in the academic year 2020, and the first interview will be done by July 31, 2021.

Families who are invited to join the study can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their children’s development and learning, which is beneficial to both parents and children. Information collected from the study participants plays a vital role in informing policies and programs that are improving the lives of children in Taiwan.

The KIT project is non-commercial. It is an academic study sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Services we offer are free of charge. Please contact us or call 165 Anti-Fraud Hotline if you encounter anything suspicious.

For more information about the KIT project, please call (02)7749-1463 or (02)7749-1464. Thank you for your support and participation.