
August 2011: 
  • Pilot study launched
September 2014: 
  • KIT Phase I launched
April 2016: 
  • KIT-36M Wave 1 fieldwork commences (children aged 36 months)
  • KIT press conference held to announce pilot study results
June 2016: 
  • KIT-3M Wave 1 fieldwork commences (children aged 3 months)
September 2016: 
  • KIT-3M Wave 2 fieldwork commences (children aged 6 months)
March 2017: 
  • KIT-36M Wave 2 fieldwork commences (children aged 48 months)
  • KIT-3M Wave 3 fieldwork commences (children aged 12 months)
  • KIT press conference held to announce preliminary findings
August 2017: 
  • KIT Phase II launched
March 2018: 
  • KIT-36M Wave 3 fieldwork commences (children aged 60 months)
  • KIT-3M Wave 5 fieldwork commences (children aged 24 months)
January 2019: 
  • KIT participates in the research database forum organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council (or NSTC)
March 2019: 
  • KIT-3M Wave 6 fieldwork commences (children aged 36 months)
  • KIT-36M Wave 4 fieldwork commences (children aged 72 months)
April 2019: 
  • KIT press conference jointly held with NSTC
  • KIT-36M Wave 1 data released (children aged 36 months)
February 2020:
  • School-age child survey postponed and online/telephone interviews offered due to COVID-19
  • KIT-3M Wave 7 fieldwork commences (children aged 48 months)
  • KIT-36M Wave 5 fieldwork commences (children in Term 1 of Grade 1)
  • KIT-3M Wave 1 data released (children aged 3 months)
  • KIT-3M Wave 2 data released (children aged 6 months)
June 2020:
  • Both online survey and face-to-face survey used for data collection
August 2020: 
  • KIT Phase III launched
October 2020: 
  • 2020 Conference on Child Development and Family Studies jointly held with the Department of Human Development and Family Studies of NTNU
February 2021:
  • KIT-36M Wave 2 data released (children aged 48 months)
  • Supplemental sampling of school-age participants launched
  • KIT press release issued
  • KIT-36M Wave 5 fieldwork commences (children in Term 2 of Grade 1)
  • KIT-36M Wave 6 fieldwork commences (children in Term 1 of Grade 2)
March 2021:
  • KIT-3M Wave 7 fieldwork commences (children aged 48 months)
  • KIT-3M Wave 8 fieldwork commences (children aged 60 months)
  • Press conference jointly held with the NTNU Education Think Tank to announce KIT findings on five-year-old preschool children
April 2021:
  • Supplemental sampling of school-age participants completed
  • Speech given by Prof. Chih-wen Wu at the workshop organized by the Survey Research Data Archive, Academia Sinica
May 2021:
  • Deadline for the school-age child survey extended and multiple survey options offered due to COVID-19
  • Dynamic Survey: COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire Wave 1 commences
  • Speech given by Prof. Chien-Ju Chang at the workshop organized by the Survey Research Data Archive, Academia Sinica
June 2021:
  • Dynamic Survey: COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire Wave 2 commences
  • Dynamic Survey: COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire Wave 3 commences
July 2021:
  • Speech given by Prof. Li-Tuan Chou at the online workshop organized by the Survey Research Data Archive, Academia Sinica
August 2021:
  • Dynamic Survey: COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire Wave 4 commences
  • KIT-3M Wave 3 data released (children aged 12 months)
October 2021:
  • 2021 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies jointly held with the Department of Human Development and Family Studies of NTNU
December 2021:
  • KIT-3M Wave 4 data released (children aged 18 months)
January 2022:
  • Implementation of e-vouchers and e-receipts
March 2022:
  • KIT-3M Wave 9 fieldwork commences (children aged 72 months)
  • KIT-36M Wave 6 fieldwork commences (children in Term 2 of Grade 2)
  • KIT-36M Wave 7 fieldwork commences (children in Term 1 of Grade 3)
  • Press conference jointly held with the NTNU Education Think Tank to announce KIT findings on children’s use of digital devices
May 2022:
  • KIT-36M Wave 3 data released (children aged 60 months)
August 2022:
  • Full implementation of e-vouchers
September 2022:
  • KIT workshop held online
October 2022:
  • 2022 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies jointly held with the Department of Human Development and Family Studies of NTNU
December 2022:
  • KIT-3M Wave 5 data released (children aged 24 months)
March 2023:
  • KIT-3M Wave 10 fieldwork commences (children aged 84 months or in Grade 1)
  • KIT-36M Wave 7 fieldwork commences (children in Term 2 of Grade 3)
  • KIT-36M Wave 8 fieldwork commences (children in Term 1 of Grade 4)
  • KIT Viewpoints presented by Dr. Tsung-Ning Huang on YouTube
April 2023:
  • Press conference jointly held with the National Science and Technology Council to announce KIT findings on young children’s emotional ability
July 2023:
  • Two workshops on longitudinal data analysis using KIT as an example organized by the Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica
August 2023:
  • KIT Phase IV launched
September 2023:
  • Workshop Series 1 titled “Developmental research design and longitudinal data analysis of KIT” held by the Higher Education Sprout Project of NTNU
October 2023:
  • 2023 International Conference on Child Development and Family Studies jointly held with the Department of Child and Family Science of NTNU