
Happy new year to our dear readers! May all your wishes come true in 2021!

This issue covers several items: a brief introduction to Child Research Net (CRN) and its databank, a highlight of some interesting KIT findings, and a short profile of Dr. Ren-Huei Fu, an attending physician in the Division of Neonatology at Chang Gung Children‘s Hospital, Linkou. Also, there is a guide to Tweak Tweak, a storybook written by Eve Bunting about mother-child interactions.

Child Research Net (CRN)

Child Research Net (CRN) is a non-profit organization in Japan. In 1996, it created a databank based on Child Science, a human science that brings together the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. The databank consists of survey results of child development in the last two decades and journal papers related to topics such as pregnancy, parenting, and learning. In 2016, CRN started “Child Research Net Asia (or CRNA)”, a website where researchers can find articles and reports on child development in other Asian countries. Please visit and for more information.

Highlight of KIT Findings

Cognitive development: The child at age 3 pays attention to the details of body parts when drawing a figure. (N=2164)
[Proficient: 5.5%, Intermediate: 6.8%, Beginning: 19.5%, Not yet: 68.1%
Language development: The child at age 3 knows that a picture book should have a title and the names of its author and illustrator on its cover. (N=2164)
[Proficient: 9.4%, Intermediate: 10.7%, Beginning: 26.2%, Not yet: 53.5%
Physical-motor development: The child at age 3 can draw a square.
[Proficient: 1.3%, Intermediate: 4.5%, Beginning: 23.8%, Not yet: 70.2%
Social-emotional development: The child at age 3 is afraid of the dark or monsters. (N=2164)
[Always: 26%, Often: 22.9%, Sometimes: 24.4%, Rarely: 15.3%, Never: 11.1%
Responds from parents: I am partial to one of my kids. (N=2164)
[Strongly agree: 3.9%, Agree: 19.4%, Disagree: 59%, Strongly disagree: 17.7%
Responds from caregivers: I get enough help for taking care of the child or teaching the child.
[ A lot of help: 37.5% , Adequate help: 48.3%, some help but not enough: 11.8%, no help or very little help: 1.7%

About Dr. Ren-Huei Fu

Dr. Ren-Huei Fu is an attending physician in the Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, at Chang Gung Children‘s Hospital, Linkou. He is involved in the KIT project as a collaborative investigator responsible for designing the health questionnaires for children, providing parents with medical consultation, and collaborating with the KIT research team to explore child health issues.

Book Review

Tweak Tweak is a storybook about mother-child interactions. It is written by Eve Bunting and illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier. Interested readers can find its English version at Amazon (, and its Chinese version is available at ( Click to listen to it in Chinese.